Marketing ROI and Attribution
Understand the effectiveness of every marketing campaign
Make better decisions about how to allocate budget
Scale up top-performing campaigns
Drive conversions and revenue
Marketing ROI and Attribution
Understand the effectiveness of every marketing campaign
Make better decisions about how to allocate budget
Scale up top-performing campaigns
Drive conversions and revenue
Marketing ROI and Attribution
Understand the effectiveness of every marketing campaign
Make better decisions about how to allocate budget
Scale up top-performing campaigns
Drive conversions and revenue

Refine and Maximize Campaign ROI in Real Time

Track, Attribute, Predict and Refine campaign performance proactively. Don’t wait till the end of quarter or the end of campaign to pivot.
RevSure’s Campaign Optimization solutions allow marketers to make real time decisions on where to increase, decrease, stop and reallocate spend based on understanding the role and full funnel conversion, pipeline and revenue  impact of each campaign.

Crush ROI Challenges With RevSure Campaign  Optimization

Lack of Data
Tracking and Integration: Data is often collected or tracked inconsistently, making it challenging to isolate the impact of marketing from 
other factors like product or price changes. RevSure unifies data housed in disparate sales and marketing systems, making it easier to track and analyze
Inaccurate Attribution
Even if you have good data, it can be difficult to 
attribute the right amount of credit to each marketing activity and channel. Customers frequently interact with brands across multiple channels before finalizing a purchase. RevSure lets you know exactly which campaigns are 
the most influential.
Measuring ROI can be a costly and time-consuming process, which can be a barrier for small businesses or organizations with limited 
resources. RevSure analyzes campaign results cost-efficiently and effectively.
Time Lag
The results of marketing campaigns can take time to materialize, making it difficult to measure ROI in the short term. RevSure 
enables analysis at granular and aggregate dimensions (campaign type, medium, channel) in real time.
Lack of Expertise
Not all marketers have the skills or expertise to 
measure ROI effectively. This can lead to inaccurate or misleading results. 
RevSure removes the pain of complex campaign reporting and identifies top-performing campaigns easily.

Maximize Pipeline and Campaign ROI

With RevSure, measure the ROI of your campaigns, make informed  decisions about how to allocate your budget, and drive revenue.
RevSure Demand Generation Effectiveness
Predicts campaign pipeline and revenue performance
Recommends the best campaigns to double down on
Integrates campaigns across Marketing, SDR/BDR and AE motions
Helps pivot efforts early rather than waiting till the end of the quarter
Enables analysis at granular and aggregate  dimensions (campaign type, medium, channel)
Removes the pain of complex campaign reporting
RevSure Funnel Conversion Attribution
Captures contributions and role of campaigns  across Marketing, SDR/BDR and AE motion in driving conversions at different stages of the funnel
Recommends the top journeys to orchestrate  to drive conversions
Analyzes campaign synergies & contribution  at multiple levels: campaigns, campaign types,  campaign team, campaign medium, region
Uses Markov Chain-based conversion path  analysis and attribution
RevSure Deep Funnel Attribution
Quantifies contribution of campaigns to  pipeline and revenue
Supports different attribution methods for comparison
Identifies top-performing campaigns

Request a Demo

Schedule your personal demo to learn how you can gain full-funnel attribution insights and improve conversions.

Get the Answers You Need With RevSure

Marketing is an investment, and like any investment, it’s important to track the return.  RevSure helps sales and marketing teams identify top campaigns, prove the value of  marketing spend, and drive pipeline.
Attribute the impact of every action on conversions, pipeline, and revenue
Quantify marketing contribution across the full funnel and prove value
Optimize allocation of marketing spend and budget
Maximize pipeline and revenue ROI of campaigns
Scale initiatives delivering a return and pivot under-performing efforts
Improve lead nurturing and lead-to-opportunity conversion rate
Attribute the impact of every action on conversions, pipeline, and revenue
Quantify marketing contribution across the full funnel and prove value
Optimize allocation of marketing spend and budget
Maximize pipeline and revenue ROI of campaigns
Scale initiatives delivering a return and pivot under-performing efforts
Improve lead nurturing and lead-to-opportunity conversion rate

Benefits of calulating ROI

If you’re not currently calculating ROI for your marketing campaigns, it’s time to start. Knowing ROI can help you improve your marketing results, get more out of your marketing budget, and build a stronger pipeline.

The Latest Resources from RevSure

Stay up to date with the latest industry insights.

Decode the Deep Funnel to Prove ROI and Scale Winning Campaigns

Schedule your personal demo to learn how you can gain full-funnel 
attribution insights and improve conversions.